Forge Business Accelerator Program
A Tiered Accelerator Program
This three part accelerator program will position very early stage existing businesses or individuals or teams interested in a starting a business within the Tucumcari MainStreet district. Through the program participants will network with business assistance resources available in the region, connect with other existing or aspiring business owners, receive technical assistance on refining their offerings, finding their customers, and starting their business. Through the program participants will complete all the required steps to receiving a loan from the Tucumcari MainStreet revolving loan fund.
Shape your business story…
All participants start in the Tier 1. This is a 4 week long boot camp style program that includes:
• Weekly meetings with the cohort for skills building, training and networking
• Meetings with regional resource providers
• Open Office Hours - MainStreet will hold open office hours for the cohort members to talk about the sessions, provide recommendations on where to get assistance, and help navigate the overall program.
• Cohort Reception - There will be at least one informal opportunity for the cohort to network with each other and area resource partners.
Program participants who complete all work in Tier 1 and receive a recommendation to progress will be invited to participate in Tier 2. This tier is self paced and focuses on completion of a business plan – a requirement for the revolving loan fund. Participants will work closely with Tucumcari MainStreet and other area resource partners.
Participants who progress to this tier should have all the materials necessary to successfully apply for funding through the revolving loan fund and other traditional lenders.