By being selected as a member of New Mexico MainStreet community, Tucumcari enjoys a wide variety of benefits. This includes participation in statewide and national networks of downtown revitalization organizations, technical assistance and services from New Mexico MainStreet’s professional staff and program specialists and more.
See below for more details.
Economic Benefits
Economically vital and vibrant commercial district
Healthier business climate and greater opportunity for growth
Expanded customer base
Increased employment opportunities
Cooperative strategies among small businesses
Stronger property values, improved marketability, and increased occupancy
Municipal Benefits
Increased revenue from gross receipts
Stronger tax base to support schools, parks, etc.
Reduced costs of municipal services
Improved access to federal and foundation dollars through public-private partnerships
Eligibility for New Mexico MainStreet capital outlay funds (as available)
Social & Community Benefits
Enhanced community assets and amenities
Improved quality of life
Renewed pride in community
Restoration of civic gathering places
Youth involvement in civic projects
Organizational Benefits
Stronger networks among civic and economic organizations
Improved local capacity
Achievement of common goals
Leveraged resources
Development of community partnerships